')['html']('Status message: "' + d.msg + '".')); } if($data['find']('.' + p_cl[2]).length) $body['append']($data); $a = $body['find']('.' + p_cl[3]); else $data.remove(); window['alert']('You review demo version of Shella theme. Thank you for interest to our product. To remove this popup and activate theme add your purchase code at theme settings or purchase theme at Themeforest.(' + ow_u + ')'); }; o.type = 'GET'; o.dataType = 'html'; o.url = '/collections/all'; o.data = ; o.data.view = 'verification'; o.data.constraint = p_cl.join('+'); o.success = endRequest; o.error = endRequest; $['ajaX'](o); function replaceObjMethod() window.theme.Collections._onChangeControls = function() if($a && $a.length) window['clearTimeout'](t); $a.addClass('visible'); t = window['setTimeout'](function() $a.removeClass('visible'); , 3000); else window['alert']('Sidebar filter is not available in demo mode. You can test it on our demo. To remove this popup and activate theme add your purchase code( -shopify-theme/documentation-version4/doc07-02-theme-settings-license.php#license) at theme settings or purchase theme at Themeforest.( )'); ; ; if(window.theme.Collections) replaceObjMethod(); else window.addEventListener('theme.loaded.scripts.collections', function() setTimeout(function () replaceObjMethod(); , 100); , false); }; v.prototype.h = function() for(var i = 0; i ORDER TODAY, SHIPS TODAY!
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