Stories help us remember key points. This book is a translation of a letter Nhat Hanh wrote to his colleagues in Vietnam. It is personal and direct in its approach. He emphasizes breath work and being present.
Meditations: A New Translation mobi download book
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There are several formats of the book available, all of which can be found at the top of this page. A paperback version is available for purchase on Amazon, as well as Kindle and Audible formats. Formats include a copy of the whole book in PDF, Google and Apple formats. A PDF version of each chapter has also been added to the website for quick reference. Audio recordings of the book are available on Soundcloud, Apple Podcast and Google Play. Audio recordings of the meditations are available on Insight Timer App. A written translation in Dutch has been published, and a translation in Spanish is in process.
This is the classic George Long translation of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations in e-book format. It's the complete unabridged text. There are EPUB, Kindle (MOBI) and PDF formats to choose from. The text has been carefully formatted to work well on any e-reader or mobile device.
This translation is in the public domain but I wanted to create my own e-book edition so that I can upgrade it over time with notes, a preface, etc., and make it easier to navigate the text. Once you register to download you'll get the current files but I'll also be able to notify you when an improved edition is released, which you can also download free of charge.
Reflections are from November 27, 2022 through January 9, 2023, and are based on the first reading for daily Mass. We are currently sold out of all print versions of our Advent/Christmas book, including English, Spanish and Large Print. You may enjoy the English version in eBook form or through our mobile app. Note for the eBook, be sure to download your eReader to your desktop or mobile device first, before downloading the book, for the best result.
Reflections are from November 27, 2022 through January 9, 2023, and are based on the first reading for daily Mass. We are currently sold out of all print versions of our Advent/Christmas book, including English, Spanish and Large Print. You may enjoy the English version in eBook form or through our mobile app. Note for the eBook, be sure to download your eReader to your desktop or mobile device first, before downloading the book, for the best result.
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Here is the latin text: A commentary (in english): There is no english translation of the 1917 code that can be read/downloaded online, for free, as far as I know. You can purchase the book however, for instance here: -1917-Pio-Benedictine-Code-Canon/dp/0898708311 Volume 1 of 2 is an enlightening book regarding the The Mass of the Roman Rite: ITS ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT (Missarum Sollemnia). This is the replica of the 1951 translation explaining the traditional Eucharistic celebration through the ages by Joseph Jungmann
Thanks so much for the books has helped greatly in my life as a catholic but could pls help me with these books; the faith explained by Leo .j. these and warning from beyond in downloadable PDF.Thanks and God bless sir
Our duty is to protect الله سبحانه وتعالى at all costs. We also understand that all people are susceptible to mistakes. This book contains 2 errors in its translation. The errors have been highlighted to the publishers and they're in the process of rectifying.
The Travels of FA-hsien, (399-414 A.D.), or Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms, H.A. Giles, M.A., re-translation.From the Introduction: From this little book of travel the unbiassed reader may perhaps obtain a furtive glimpse of the gradeur of the Buddhist religion in the early years of the 5th century A.D. 2ff7e9595c