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Download Rapor Pendidikan 2021: Hasil Asesmen dan Survei Nasional Satuan Pendidikan


Download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021: A Guide for Educators

Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is a platform that provides data and reports on the results of national assessments and surveys for educational units or regions in Indonesia. It is a tool that can help educators identify problems, reflect on their root causes, and improve the quality of education in a comprehensive way.

In this article, you will learn what Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is, how to download it, how to interpret it, and how to improve your score. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to use Rapor Mutu Pendidikan as a reference for enhancing your educational performance.

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What is Rapor Mutu Pendidikan?

Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is a platform that was launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in 2021. It is a revision and improvement of the previous quality report (rapor mutu) that was used since 2016.

The purpose of Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is to provide data and information on the quality of education in Indonesia based on national assessments and surveys. These include:

  • The National Examination (UN)

  • The National Assessment Program (PAN)

  • The National Character Survey (SKN)

  • The National Teacher Competency Test (UKG)

  • The National School Accreditation (ASN)

  • The National Education Management Information System (EMIS)

The benefits of Rapor Mutu Pendidikan are:

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  • It helps educators monitor and evaluate their educational performance in a transparent and accountable way.

  • It helps educators identify their strengths and weaknesses in various aspects of education, such as learning outcomes, curriculum, facilities, management, etc.

  • It helps educators plan and implement improvement actions based on data-driven evidence and best practices.

  • It helps educators communicate and collaborate with other stakeholders, such as parents, students, communities, government, etc., to improve the quality of education.

The components and indicators of Rapor Mutu Pendidikan

Rapor Mutu Pendidikan consists of two main components: rapor satuan pendidikan (rapor satdik) and rapor pendidikan daerah (rapor daerah).

Rapor satdik is a report that shows the results of national assessments and surveys for a specific educational unit, such as a school or a kindergarten. It covers four levels of education: early childhood education (PAUD), primary education (SD), secondary education (SMP), and high school education (SMA).

Rapor daerah is a report that shows the results of national assessments and surveys for a specific region, such as a province or a district. It covers all levels of education from PAUD to SMA.

Both rapor satdik and rapor daerah use six indicators to measure the quality of education. These are:

  • <li Learning outcomes: the average scores of students in the UN, PAN, and SKN.

  • Curriculum: the alignment of the curriculum with the national standards and the implementation of the curriculum in the classroom.

  • Facilities: the availability and quality of facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process, such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories, etc.

  • Management: the effectiveness and efficiency of the management and administration of the educational unit or region, such as planning, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation, etc.

  • Teachers: the competency and professionalism of teachers, such as their qualifications, certifications, trainings, etc.

  • Students: the characteristics and achievements of students, such as their enrollment, attendance, dropout, graduation, etc.

Each indicator is given a score from 1 to 100 based on a set of criteria and benchmarks. The score is then translated into a color-coded rating system:

  • Green: excellent (score 80-100)

  • Yellow: good (score 60-79)

  • Orange: fair (score 40-59)

  • Red: poor (score 0-39)

How to access and use Rapor Mutu Pendidikan

Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is accessible online through the official website of Kemendikbudristek: You can also download the mobile app from Google Play Store or App Store.

To access Rapor Mutu Pendidikan, you need to register and log in using your email address and password. You can also use your social media accounts, such as Facebook or Google, to log in.

Once you log in, you can choose whether you want to see rapor satdik or rapor daerah. You can then select the level of education, the year of assessment or survey, and the name of the educational unit or region. You can also use the search function to find a specific educational unit or region.

After you select your desired option, you will see a dashboard that shows the summary of the rapor mutu pendidikan for that option. You can see the overall score and rating, as well as the scores and ratings for each indicator. You can also see a comparison with other educational units or regions in terms of scores and ratings.

You can click on each indicator to see more details and data on that indicator. You can also download the rapor mutu pendidikan in PDF format or share it via email or social media.

How to download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021

If you want to download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021 for your own reference or analysis, you can follow these steps:

The steps to download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021

  • Access Rapor Mutu Pendidikan website or app and log in using your email address and password or your social media accounts.

  • Select rapor satdik or rapor daerah depending on whether you want to download the report for a specific educational unit or region.

  • Select the level of education, the year of assessment or survey, and the name of the educational unit or region that you want to download.

  • Click on the download icon on the top right corner of the dashboard. You will see a pop-up window that asks you to confirm your download request.

  • Click on "Ya" to confirm your download request. You will see a message that says "Rapor Mutu Pendidikan Anda sedang diproses. Silakan tunggu beberapa saat."

  • Wait for a few seconds until you see another message that says "Rapor Mutu Pendidikan Anda telah selesai diproses. Silakan klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mengunduhnya."

  • Click on "Unduh" to download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021 in PDF format. You can save it on your device or print it out for your convenience.

The requirements and tips to download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021

To download Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021 successfully, you need to meet some requirements and follow some tips:

<ul How to improve your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score

Improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score is not only a matter of downloading and analyzing the report, but also a matter of implementing and monitoring the improvement actions. You need to be committed and consistent in improving the quality of education in your educational unit or region.

Here are some best practices and strategies to help you improve your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score:

The best practices and strategies to improve your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score

  • Align your vision, mission, and goals with the national standards and expectations. You should have a clear and shared understanding of what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it in terms of educational quality.

  • Use data and evidence to inform your decisions and actions. You should use Rapor Mutu Pendidikan as a source of data and information, but also complement it with other sources, such as internal assessments, surveys, observations, feedback, etc.

  • Prioritize the most critical and urgent areas for improvement. You should focus on the indicators that have the lowest scores and ratings, as well as the ones that have the most impact on your educational outcomes.

  • Set realistic and measurable objectives and indicators for improvement. You should use SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) criteria to define what you want to improve, how much you want to improve, how you will measure your improvement, and when you will achieve your improvement.

  • Develop and implement action plans for improvement. You should use action plan templates or tools to outline the steps, resources, responsibilities, timelines, and expected results of your improvement actions.

  • Monitor and evaluate your progress and results. You should use various methods, such as checklists, charts, graphs, reports, etc., to track and measure your performance on the indicators that you want to improve. You should also compare your results with the national average and the target.

  • Review and revise your improvement plans as needed. You should use feedback loops, such as PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle or SWOT (strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats) analysis, to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, successes and failures, and lessons learned from your improvement actions. You should also make adjustments or changes to your improvement plans based on your review.

The common challenges and pitfalls to avoid when improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score

Improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score is not without challenges and pitfalls. You may encounter some difficulties or obstacles that may hinder or delay your improvement efforts. Here are some common challenges and pitfalls that you should avoid when improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score:

  • Ignoring or dismissing the data and information on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan. You should not ignore or dismiss the data and information on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan as irrelevant, inaccurate, or biased. You should use it as a valid and reliable source of feedback and guidance for your improvement efforts.

  • Being complacent or resistant to change. You should not be complacent or resistant to change based on your current score and rating. You should always strive to improve your quality of education regardless of how well or poorly you are performing.

  • Being unrealistic or overambitious in setting your improvement goals. You should not be unrealistic or overambitious in setting your improvement goals that are too high or too low, too broad or too narrow, too easy or too hard, etc. You should set your improvement goals that are challenging but attainable, relevant but flexible, and aligned with your vision, mission, and goals.

  • Being inconsistent or uncoordinated in implementing your improvement actions. You should not be inconsistent or uncoordinated in implementing your improvement actions that are sporadic, random, isolated, conflicting, etc. You should implement your improvement actions that are systematic, regular, integrated, harmonious, etc.

  • Being impatient or discouraged by the results. You should not be impatient or discouraged by the results of your improvement actions that may not show immediate or significant effects. You should be patient and persistent in pursuing your improvement actions that may take time and effort to produce positive and lasting outcomes.

The resources and support available for improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score

Improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score is not something that you have to do alone. You can access various resources and support that can help you improve your quality of education. Here are some resources and support that are available for improving your Rapor Mutu Pendidikan score:

  • The Kemendikbudristek website and app. You can access the Kemendikbudristek website and app to get more information and guidance on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan, such as the FAQ, the tutorial, the feedback function, etc.

  • The Kemendikbudristek social media accounts. You can follow the Kemendikbudristek social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc., to get updates and news on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan, such as the announcement, the event, the webinar, etc.

  • The Kemendikbudristek contact center. You can contact the Kemendikbudristek contact center via phone (1500-533), email (, or chat ( to get assistance and consultation on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan.

  • The best practices and examples from other educational units or regions. You can learn from the best practices and examples from other educational units or regions that have achieved high scores and ratings on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan. You can see their rapor mutu pendidikan on the website or app, or contact them directly to get more insights and tips.

  • The networks and partnerships with other stakeholders. You can build networks and partnerships with other stakeholders who share your interest and commitment in improving the quality of education, such as parents, students, communities, government, NGOs, etc. You can communicate and collaborate with them to exchange ideas, experiences, resources, support, etc.


Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is a platform that provides data and reports on the results of national assessments and surveys for educational units or regions in Indonesia. It is a tool that can help educators identify problems, reflect on their root causes, and improve the quality of education in a comprehensive way.

In this article, you have learned what Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is, how to download it, how to interpret it, and how to improve your score. By following the steps and tips in this article, you will be able to use Rapor Mutu Pendidikan as a reference for enhancing your educational performance.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback about Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021, please feel free to contact us through the website or app. We would love to hear from you.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021:

  • What is the difference between Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021 and the previous rapor mutu?

The main difference between Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021 and the previous rapor mutu is that Rapor Mutu Pendidikan 2021 is more comprehensive, interactive, and user-friendly. It covers more indicators and data sources, provides more details and analysis, and allows more functions and features, such as downloading, sharing, comparing, etc.

  • How often is Rapor Mutu Pendidikan updated?

Rapor Mutu Pendidikan is updated annually based on the latest data and information from the national assessments and surveys. The most recent update was in June 2021, which covers the data and information from the year 2020.

  • How can I access Rapor Mutu Pendidikan offline?

If you want to access Rapor Mutu Pendidikan offline, you need to download it first when you are online. You can then open the PDF file of Rapor Mutu Pendidikan on your device without an internet connection. However, you will not be able to use some functions and features that require an internet connection, such as feedback, comparison, etc.

  • How can I share Rapor Mutu Pendidikan with others?

If you want to share Rapor Mutu Pendidikan with others, you can use the share function on the website or app. You can choose to share it via email or social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You can also download it and print it out or send it as an attachment.

  • How can I give feedback or suggestions on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan?

If you want to give feedback or suggestions on Rapor Mutu Pendidikan, you can use the feedback function on the website or app. You can choose to give feedback or suggestions on the content, design, functionality, or usability of Rapor Mutu Pendidikan. You can also rate your satisfaction level and write your comments.


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